Digital Storytelling


This week, we learned all about the world of digital storytelling and how it works. We discussed what exactly digital storytelling is, which is a combination of text, pictures, video clips, audio, graphics and interactivity presented on a web site in a nonlinear format in which the information in each medium is complementary, not redundant. We also talked about examples of what aren’t digital stories. We discussed how CNN, Washington Post, and many others are multimedia sites. They have text, video clips, audio, pictures, interactive graphics, but the main stories and reports are linear and produced in either text, or audio or video alone to explain it. Text has also photos but just as in a Newspaper.

After talking about what is a digital story and what isn’t, we discussed some advntages digital storytelling has along with some good examples of what a digital story is. One advantage of a digital story is the fact that they provide a lot of background information on the story. What that means is that with all of the information needed to make a digital story, everything is there to help you understand the story the best you can. This brings us to the next advantage of a digital story, which is the fact that everythings is made abaliable to you with the story. You don’t have to go digging for information beacuse with a digital story, everything is there to help you. Some examples of a digital story are:

These examples are great in showing us how a digital story works and how interactive they are. They give so much information on a topic and everything you need to know is right there in the story. As difficult as it looks to make one of these, it isn’t with the right attitude and as much information as possible. For a better explanation of digital storytelling, refer to the video below

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